News and Information
2012-11-14 — SCOUT eh!
Scouts Canada Elections 2012
At the upcoming Scouts Canada Annual General Meeting, there will be an election for posts on the Board of Governors. For the first time in a very long time, the Scouts Canada voting delegates will have a real choice as to who will sit on the body that decides the direction of Scouting in Canada.
More2012-07-29 — SCOUT eh!
Election 2012
As a founder of this organization and a member in good standing, I am putting forth this call for nominations for the democratic election of officers to the executive body of the organization. As a member of SCOUT eh! and an ordinary member of Scouts Canada, I urge you all to draw on the power around you and consider throwing your hat into the ring. Consider serving as an officer in what is quite possibly the only movement capable of mounting a voice of reason in the current governance. Eagle Scouts are returning their medals in protest over the Boy Scouts of America's lack of judgment on inclusion within their organizations. They are putting themselves out there for principle. Let us all take note of their example and screw up our courage once again to challenge the status quo.
More2011-02-26 — SCOUT eh!
Town Hall Meeting Called for Nova Scotia Council
A memorandum has been circulated by the National office concerning a Town Hall meeting soon to be convened. I am pleased to hear that there have been some positive discussions with Nova Scotia members. We can hope that the Town Hall meeting called for Sunday March 6 will result in something substantive being done to rectify the action taken to dismiss the Council Commissioner and his team. That action was, in essence, an attack upon the fundamental integrity of the Nova Scotia Council volunteers. We shall trust that any resolution resulting from the Town Hall meeting will be seen as just by the volunteers affected.
More2011-02-12 — SCOUT eh!
A Legitimate Succession for Nova Scotia Council
The following letter was sent to Steve Kent, Chief Commissioner and Chair of the Board, and to the members of the Board of Governours of Scouts Canada.
More2011-02-06 — SCOUT eh!
Scouts Canada fires Nova Scotia Council, SCOUT eh! responds
In November 2010, Nova Scotia Council held a democratic election for the new Council Service Team. Less than a month later, in an unprecedented move, Scouts Canada's CEO fired the entire team. SCOUT eh! finds the action taken by the CEO to remove the Nova Scotia Council Commissioner and his Council Service Team from their positions to be fundamentally wrong and unjustifiable.
More2010-11-23 — SCOUT eh!
Scouts Canada Financial Statement 2010
In the interest of transparency in Scouts Canada, we are posting the Financial Statements of Scouts Canada National Operation for the year ended August 31, 2010. This is the copy provided by Scouts Canada at the Annual General Meeting November 20, 2010. These are the national financial statements and do not include the councils.
More2009-06-18 — SCOUT eh!
We're excited about Scouting Now!
Scouting Now is the name of a document recently published by Scouts Canada. From the content of this plan, it's apparent that our Chief Commissioner knows quality ideas when he sees them.
More2009-05-25 — Scouts Canada
Message from our new Chief Commissioner
Some very hopeful things are happening at Scouts Canada. This video outlines some of the goals and hopes of our new Chief Commissioner. We're very optimistic about what he wants to achieve. While democracy per se is not directly on the agenda, the focus on Scouting values and on openness gives us hope for the organization and for democracy in the long term.
2009-04-05 — SCOUT eh!
Haliburton Scout Reserve land for sale
We have posted some photos of the for-sale Drag Lake campsite at Haliburton Scout Reserve. See what they’re trying to get rid of.
2009-04-05 — SCOUT eh!
Backgrounder on Haliburton Scout Reserve Land Sale
As someone who has been going to HSR for close to 45 years and who regularly uses the Drag Lake end of the property, I would like to add a few more comments and a bit of history.
2009-01-27 — Haliburton Echo
Scouts launch online protest of land sale
The Toronto chapter of Scouts Canada is facing strong opposition to the sale of a portion of the Haliburton Scout Reserve along Drag Lake. A group of 680 members, many of whom are Scouts, has joined together on Facebook, a social networking site online, to discourage Scouts Canada from selling the 100-acre parcel for $1.3 million.
2009-01-18 — SCOUT eh!
Haliburton Scout Reserve land for sale
Scouts Canada has recently listed for sale the beautiful shoreline and campsite on Drag Lake at Haliburton Scout Reserve. The only reason Scouts Canada has given for selling this land is that it will make money. They have also reveiled that there is no plan for how the money will be spent.
More2009-01-07 — SCOUT eh!
New Chief Commissioner
We welcome our new Chief Commissioner, Steven Kent. Steven has been an active member of Scouting as a youth and now carries on his Scouting career, as the youngest ever Chief Commissioner.
More2008-11-23 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! Elections: Final Call for Nominations
This is the third and final call for nominations for the Elected Officers of SCOUT eh!. We will be electing nationally our Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary, and in each Scouts Canada council, a Council Representative. If you are interested in one of these positions, know someone who might be suitable, or would like to know more, please contact the National Secretary, Don Connors. Nominations will close on Sunday, November 30, 2008. Be part of making Scouts Canada democratic.
More2008-11-13 — SCOUT eh!
eh!GM 2008
Scouts Canada's Annual General Meeting is coming up on Saturday, November 22, 2008. Drop by prior to the meeting to chat with your elected SCOUT eh! National Officers, Mike Reid, Chair, Quebec; Don Connors, Secretary, Nova Scotia; and Ted Claxton, Treasurer, Ontario. Afterwards, join us for dinner at a local restaurant.
More2008-11-12 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! Elections
This is the second call for nominations for the Elected Officers of SCOUT eh!. We will be electing nationally our Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary, and in each Scouts Canada council, a Council Representative. If you are interested in one of these positions, know someone who might be suitable, or would like to know more, please contact the National Secretary, Don Connors. Be part of making Scouts Canada democratic.
More2008-09-28 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! Elections and eh!GM
The SCOUT eh! eh!GM is on the horizon and as our constitution mandates, it is now time to gear up for the election of all officers and regional representatives of SCOUT eh!.
More2008-06-15 — SCOUT eh!
To all SCOUT eh! members, Past, Present, and Future!
Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day, saying… “I will try again tomorrow”. Mary Anne Radmacher’s quote rings true in the current situation where SCOUT eh! finds itself. Born of a crisis that galvanized like-minded Scouters together, SCOUT eh! went from a dismissed, despised, and targeted association to an instrument of change.
More2008-01-13 — SCOUT eh!
Mission Accomplished?
This past fall, Scouts Canada released Policy 1014. Policy 1014 requires that every council hold an election to choose the Voting Members who will represent the council at the Scouts Canada AGM held each fall. SCOUT eh! has been very quiet over the past while. The impression that we may be sending now is "mission accomplished". Policy 1014 is in place; now we can relax.
More2008-01-13 — Scouts Canada
Scouts Canada Finances 2007
Scouts Canada has released their Audited Financial Statements for the year ended August 31, 2007. These are the national financial statements and do not include the councils.
More2008-01-13 — SCOUT eh!
eh!GM 2007 Minutes
SCOUT eh! held its eh!GM on December 2, 2007. You can now read the eh!GM 2007 Minutes
More2008-01-07 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! Congratulates Mike Scott
SCOUT eh! congratulates Scouter Mike Scott on the honour of his being made a Member of the Order of Canada by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada. Mike Scott currently serves in the role of Past Chief Commissioner of Scouts Canada.
More2007-11-29 — SCOUT eh!
A response to Scouts Canada Human Resources Chief and Chief Spokesperson
The memo dated 21 November 2007, circulated by Mr. Bill Palamar, makes a scurrilous allegation that SCOUT eh! has "deliberately generated public concern through misinformation". The fact is that the information that was used to come to the conclusions in our Crossroads reports is public information stated in the Financial Statements of The Boy Scouts of Canada National Operation for the years end August 31, 2002 to 2006 inclusive. Those Financial Statements were provided by Scouts Canada on request by myself and Joseph Grittani.
More2007-11-25 — SCOUT eh!
Letter from SCOUT eh! Chair Mike Reid
As we approach our eh!GM and the Scouts Canada AGM along with the Centennial Scouter's Conference in Vancouver, I am both overwhelmed and underwhelmed. Overwhelmed at the richness of the centennial experience as I have seen it, and underwhelmed by the efforts of Scouts Canada's Board of Governors to achieve some modicum of democracy.
More2007-09-14 — Scouts Canada
Scouts Canada's Voting System: Policy 1014
Scouts Canada's Board of Governors have released Policy 1014, "Governing Policy Pertaining to the Election of Voting Members". The policy describes a voting system for the election of the Scouts Canada Voting Members. You can read the policy and related documents here. SCOUT eh! will comment on this soon.
2007-08-01 — World Organization of the Scout Movement
The sun is rising on a new century of Scouting
When joining millions of other Scouts in the renewal of the Promise, let us thank all those who made it possible for us to live the unique, exciting and involving experience of Scouting, that started with our Founder B-P. We live in times of increasing disparities, world wide intolerance, tensions and growing conflicts. Irresponsible life-styles and wild consumerism are seriously putting our planet's environmental stability at risk.
More2007-07-06 — SCOUT eh!
Sioux Lookout Scouts appeal to Municipal Council
The members in Sioux Lookout continue to be concerned about the possible disposition of their camp
More2007-07-02 — World Organization of the Scout Movement
WOSM Supports Democracy: Is Scouts Canada Listening?
The World Organization of the Scout Movement, of which Scouts Canada is a member, has produced an inspirational video titled "Creating a Better Image" (3:28 minutes). The video mentions how democracy is central to the values Scouting stands for.
More2007-06-11 — SCOUT eh!
Scouts Canada's Finances: Crossroads V
This is the fifth Crossroads Report and, regrettably, likely the last that we will hear from Scouter Joseph in this capacity. Scouter Joseph Grittani deserves the thanks of Scouters from across Canada for having shone some much needed light in a very dark corner. Perhaps after reading this report you will want to ask yourself — and what is that I smell?
More2007-04-10 — SCOUT eh!
Making a Mockery of Good Governance: Scouts Canada and the Carver Model
Is Scouts Canada a well-governed organization? When Scouts Canada restructured its governance in the early 2000s, it stated that it would base its governance on the Policy Governance® Model or Carver model, which is widely recognized as the “gold standard” for good governance. In December 2006 at Senate committee hearing, Scouts Canada's management representatives spoke about how they followed the Carver model. Their message was clear: Carver is the standard for good corporate governance; Scouts Canada follows Carver; therefore, Scouts Canada has good governance. This would all be wonderful if it were true. In reality, Scouts Canada follows some parts of the Carver model while ignoring its most important ideas, with disastrous consequences for Scouting.
More2007-04-10 — SCOUT eh!
eh!GM 2007: SCOUT eh! Conference & Annual Meeting
Join us for eh!GM 2007, the SCOUT eh! Conference & Annual Meeting. Scouters from across Canada will meet in Vancouver, BC on November 30, 2007.
More2007-03-15 — SCOUT eh!
Parliament Hill eh! — February 24, 2007
The Senate Chamber on Parliament Hill was the venue for Scouts Canada's 100th Anniversary special awards ceremony. The event was held on Saturday February 24 to coincide with Scout Guide Week. This year, Baden-Powell Day also marked the 150th Anniversary of B-P's birth. In order to get the OUT in scOUTing, members of SCOUT eh! took the initiative to host a Scouting presence on the snow-covered lawn of Parliament Hill.
More2007-03-05 — SCOUT eh!
History Repeats Itself — Democracy Rebuffed
The Scouts Canada Act passed the House of Commons on Friday the 2nd of February 2007 and was granted Royal Assent on the 21st of February 2007. On this auspicious day the ground hog came out of his hole, failed to see the light, and went back to hibernate. Here is how it all transpired, in less than 5 minutes.
More2007-02-05 — SCOUT eh!
What is the Scouting Movement? A response to Chief Commissioner Glenn Armstrong
Our Chief Commissioner, in The Leader, February 2007, asserts that there are two aspects to the Scouting movement, the grass roots movement and the National Movement. There is no such thing as a national movement.
More2007-01-22 — SCOUT eh!
Scouts Canada Act — What is it all about? Why should I do something?
Many scouters are in the dark about this process because Scouts Canada's has kept the issues surrounding the Scouts Canada Act as quiet as possible. They have not consulted the membership about it in any way. The Scouts Canada Act comes from Scouts Canada's management, not from the membership. This is backwards. No bill affecting any matter of significance should be passed unless it has the unambiguous support of Scouts Canada's membership.
More2007-01-23 — SCOUT eh!
Petition in Opposition to Bill S-1001
Scouts Canada's management claims that Bill S-1001 will effect a modernization of the Statute for the 21st Century. However, most of the bill is the same as what is in force now. The changes that have been introduced affect matters of substance that will only serve to further disenfranchise the membership. The "modifications" are not mere housekeeping.
More2007-01-05 — SCOUT eh!
Open Letter about the Scouts Canada Act
Following the hearings at the Senate of Canada on the Scouts Canada Act, SCOUT eh! Chair Mike Reid sent this letter to Glenn Armstrong, Chief Commissioner of Scouts Canada.
More2006-12-10 — SCOUT eh!
Help Stop the Harmful Scouts Canada Act
The Scouts Canada Act, which if passed will entrench the non-democratic structure of Scouts Canada, has passed Third Reading in the Senate and now heads to the House of Commons. We need you help to stop this harmful bill. Please write you MP!
More2006-11-27 — The Vancouver Sun
Scouts and Guides set for a new century
What do Steve Page and Jim Creeggan of Barenaked Ladies have in common with Michael J. Fox, John Diefenbaker, Gordon Lightfoot, Leonard Cohen, Pierre Trudeau, Pierre Berton, Brian Mulroney, Darryl Sittler, Jean Chretien, and Romeo Dallaire? They were all Boy Scouts.
More2006-11-23 — SCOUT eh!
Executive Commissioner's report and initial SCOUT eh! response
The Executive Commissioner and CEO's overview and report for the year ending August 31, 2006 contains the following statement at its conclusion: "This is the first time we have compiled a comprehensive review of the year's activities for the information of our members. It forms part of our commitment to better communicate with our stakeholders on an ongoing basis."
More2006-11-16 — SCOUT eh!
BoG 06/07: Priority 7, Nothing Accomplished
Another year has gone by and once again the Nominating Committee of Scouts Canada has shirked its responsibility both to the Voting-members and to the membership at large. They have again created a management slate consisting of just enough nominees to fill the vacancies. Once again the Voting Members are a mere rubber stamp.
More2006-11-15 — SCOUT eh!
Profile: Scouts knit dolls for Africa
SCOUT eh! members are all active in Scouts Canada and committed to Scouting principles. Mary and Don MacMillan are two such members. In August of this year they were recognised for some of their Scouting work in a local paper.
More2006-11-11 — SCOUT eh!
eh!GM 2006: SCOUT eh! Conference & Annual Meeting
Join us for the eh!GM 2006, the SCOUT eh! Conference & Annual Meeting. Scouters from across Canada will meet in Winnipeg, Manitoba on November 25, 2005.
More2006-10-28 — SCOUT eh!
Chief Commissioner's Open Letter and Reply
Our Chief Commissioner, Scouter Glenn Armstrong, has circulated an open letter directed to Commissioners in Scouts Canada. Our SCOUT eh! Chair, Scouter Mike Reid, has responded to the open letter.
More2006-09-20 — Hudson Gazette
AC's letter to Hudson Gazette
As a resident of your community and a representative (and volunteer) of Scouts Canada, I am greatly saddened by the article 'Scouting facing major crisis: Watchdog', which appeared on August 30 in your newspaper.
More2006-09-01 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! Rallies; Membership Passes 700
On Saturday, August 26, 2006, twenty-eight members of SCOUT eh! from Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Quebec, and Ontario rallied at Scouts Canada National Headquarters in Ottawa. Everyone who attended the Rescue Rally is a dedicated member of Scouting whose intent was to give a wake up call to the national leadership. We were there to let our organization know that we are still ready and willing to help turn things around. We were there to demand accountability by those in positions of authority and to get questions answered.
More2006-08-31 — Ottawa Sun
Senator won't ditch Scout bill
Conservative Ontario Sen. Consiglio Di Nino has no plans to back away from his Scouts Canada bill. Di Nino said the clamour of opposition coming from a group of dissident Scout leaders has not convinced him to drop Bill S-1001.
More2006-08-30 — Hudson Gazette
Scouting facing major crisis: Watchdog
The Canadian Scouting movement is on life support and may not be able to live much past next summer's centennial celebrations, warns Scoutmaster Doug Peets.
More2006-08-27 — Ottawa Sun
Scouting rebels, upset with changes to the national organization, are looking to take over
Read Ottawa Sun reporter Jorge Barrera's take on the Rescue Rally.
More2006-08-24 — SCOUT eh!
Rescue Rally Pamphlet
The Rescue Rally Pamphlet provides background information on the various issues facing Scouts Canada such as camp sales, membership decline, and financial woes. Download your copy and distribute it! We hope to see you at the rally on Saturday, August 26.
More2006-08-14 — SCOUT eh!
Second Anniversary Letter from the SCOUT eh! Chair
Today is the second anniversary of the founding of SCOUT eh! It has been an interesting two years with plenty of highs and lows. However the fire still burns and the task is still before us. Having to adapt to a constant change of players and policies makes our job challenging. Despite our own work schedules and Scouting chores we have accomplished much.
More2006-08-12 — SCOUT eh!
Property Issues in Holding Pattern
The Elgin legal proceedings have come to a halt for the moment. The legal team for the Scouts Canada Ontario Incorporated Body attacked the representation order that had previously been granted. The court decided that the proper parties had not been designated in the representation order and therefore struck out the proceedings but granted permission to the Elgin Scouters to recommence the proceedings naming appropriate representatives.
More2006-07-07 — SCOUT eh!
SC Finances at the Crossroads IV: Did we miss the turn?
We are presenting the fourth Crossroads Report. In this report we are challenged to ask WHY? As Scouter Joseph Grittani says, it's a simple question. That simple question can, however, raise numerous serious issues. It is pretty clear that our Scouts Canada National Organization is not asking enough "Why?" questions. When our Scouts Canada organization is suffering, some would say haemorrhaging, 10% membership losses each year, it is a fair question to ask WHY.
More2006-07-07 — SCOUT eh!
Rescue Rally: It's not too late!
It's NOT too late. But it will be soon. 2007 is the 100th anniversary of the Scouting Movement. If you want Scouting after 2007, take action now! Demand fiscal responsibility in Scouts Canada. Demand democracy in Scouts Canada.
More2006-06-26 — SCOUT eh!
Scouts Canada 2nd Quarter Financial Report Available
But the 2nd Quarter Financial Report will only available to the select clique of Management Insiders. This is another blow to democracy, openness and transparency in Scouts Canada.
More2006-06-20 — SCOUT eh!
Nominations for the Board of Governors of Scouts Canada
Although the By-laws of Scouts Canada state that the Nominating Committee shall report to the members, the only time a report will be made is at the AGM and that report, subject to prodigious efforts required under subsection (7), will merely present the slate of candidates to the Voting Members.
More2006-02-20 — SCOUT eh!
Ode to a Lost Scouter
We're calling you back. There's a reason.
thinking you just didn't hear,
That Scouting across this great
May not last for one hundred years.
2006-05-29 — The Hamilton Spectator
Scouting for a Future
Fewer kids are doing their duty.
Faced with
competition from sports, parents who work late and an "uncool"
label, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides face an enrolment crisis.
2006-03-31 — SCOUT eh!
675 Members of SCOUT eh!
As the ice and snow leaves our country, SCOUT eh! members in every province across the land put away their Klondike sleds and get out their bikes to get ready for spring Scouting. Today, our 675th Member joined our association which is dedicated to realizing one of Scouting's fundamental values: Democracy. Current counts are 675 Members, 35 Associates, and 17 Friends.
More2006-03-05 — SCOUT eh!
Myth: Scouts Canada fees are reasonable compared to sports
In defence of the high registration fees charged by Scouts Canada, commissioners, staff members, and others have often made a comparison with sports programs. Their claim is that Scouts Canada fees are reasonable compared to the fees of sports programs. Therefore, they conclude, the fees are not too high. Their conclusion depends on the assumption that sports fees are not themselves too high.
More2006-02-24 — SCOUT eh!
"World Tour" poster available
As part of the promotion for the EAST eh! meeting, the idea was hatched to create a 'World Tour' poster that looked back at our gatherings to date. The last entry also promotes the upcoming EAST eh! meeting. Feel free to print and distribute, eh!
More2006-02-19 — SCOUT eh! Radio Show
The founding of SCOUT eh!, camp sales, and more
In this the first SCOUT eh! podcast, SCOUT eh! Chair Mike Reid talks about the founding of SCOUT eh! and interviews SCOUT eh! Treasurer Ted Claxton about Scout camp sales. That paddling prankster, Gooseberries, drops by the studio and we hear from a very special guest.
More2006-02-16 — SCOUT eh!
EAST eh!
SCOUT eh! in Nova Scotia in March — Join us for a SCOUT eh! Scouters' Conference on Saturday, March 11, 2006 in Dartmouth
More2006-02-03 — SCOUT eh!
Scouts Canada's Finances: Crossroads III
What is Scouts Canada doing with your money? "Crossroads III: Are We There Yet?" is the third in a series of investigations to find out. Crossroads III challenges Ordinary Members of Scouts Canada to choose their endgame and to choose their management.
More2006-02-02 — Scouts Canada
Scouts Canada's Strategic Directions
Scouts Canada recently published their new Strategic Directions in the February 2006 issue of The Canadian Leader Magazine. They have yet to published them on the web, but you can get a copy here and read our commentary.
More2006-01-19 — SCOUT eh!
A Matter of Trust — A backgrounder on legal issues concerning Scouting property
This article is meant to inform our members and the membership of Scouts Canada generally, about the position recently adopted by Scouts Canada that there are no trust obligations on Scouting real estate.
More2006-01-18 — Scouts Canada
Scouts Canada 2004-2005 Annual Report
Scouts Canada 2004-2005 Annual Report now available from their web site.
More2006-01-11 — SCOUT eh!
Comment on the Chief Commissioner's Keynote Address
Scouter Glenn has had a long connection with the Scouting movement. We may hope that his experience will have grounded him in the fundamental principles of Scouting. Those Principles are expounded in the WOSM document The Essential Principles of Scouting.
More2005-12-20 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! responds to Leader Magazine refusal
Last week Canadian Scouting's national publication, Leader Magazine, refused an ad from SCOUT eh!. This is SCOUT eh! Chair, Mike Reid's response.
More2005-12-20 — SCOUT eh!
Leader Magazine refuses SCOUT eh! ad
Last week Canadian Scouting's national publication, Leader Magazine, refused an ad from SCOUT eh! that it had initially accepted. What changed their minds? We believe Scouts Canada management did.
More2005-11-29 — St. Thomas Times-Journal
Legal action over Camp Timken
In a move designed to ensure Camp Timken remains in operation with "significant local input," Elgin Scouters have launched legal action against the provincial corporation of Scouts Canada. The process begins Thursday in Kitchener, Ont., when Camp Timken committee chairman David Palmer will be cross-examined by representatives of Ontario Provincial Council, Boy Scouts of Canada.
More2005-11-26 — SCOUT eh!
650 Members of SCOUT eh!
While SCOUT eh! members from as far away as BC and Newfoundland gathered in Oshawa for a conference, our 650th Member registered. In SCOUT eh! there are currently 650 Members, 32 Associates, and 14 Friends.
More2005-11-04 — SCOUT eh!
Council Commissioner threatens all members in Elgin Area
Camp Timken is owned by the Scout Groups in Elgin Area through a trust deed. Following Scouts Canada's attempt to force the sale of the property, Elgin Scouters applied to a court for a declaration that the property is in trust and cannot be sold without the consent of the Beneficial Owners, Elgin Area Groups. In an attempt to defeat the Elgin Area court action, the Council Commissioner for Tri-Shores Council sent a letter to every adult member in the Area threatening them with unspecified consequences if they do not identify themselves as being in opposition to the court action.
More2005-11-03 — SCOUT eh!
Are divorced or separated parents allowed to be Scouters?
Last month, a Scouter's membership was suspended when Scouts Canada saw that the member's Police Record Check disclosed a what was taken by the Scouts Canada bureaucracy to be a "restraining order" against the member. However, the "order" was only a standard clause that often appears in child custody orders.
More2005-10-25 — SCOUT eh!
eh!GM 2005: SCOUT eh! Conference & Annual Meeting
Join us for the eh!GM 2005, the SCOUT eh! Conference & Annual Meeting. Scouters from across Canada will meet in Oshawa, Ontario on November 26, 2005.
More2005-10-02 — SCOUT eh!
Scouts Canada policy about SCOUT eh!
Scouts Canada's Executive Commissioner and CEO, Rob Stewart, has confirmed that Scouts Canada has no policy of discrimination against SCOUT eh! members. He has confirmed Scouts Canada members are not at risk of losing their membership because of their involvement in SCOUT eh! and SCOUT eh! members are welcome to hold positions on Area or Council teams. Scouter Rob made this clear during a telephone conversation with our Treasurer, Ted Claxton.
More2005-09-12 — Brandon Sun
Scouts try to boost dwindling numbers
Winnipeg — Amid dwindling membership and volunteer support, Scouts Canada relocated its headquarters to a new, smaller office and store on Stafford Street in the Fort Rouge neighbourhood in the provincial capital last week.
More2005-08-19 — SCOUT eh!
Democratic Policy Report
As reported to you previously, we had arranged with Board Member Scouter Keith Martin of BC to discuss with him the report or submission that he has been tasked to deliver to the board. Scouter Keith was charged by the National Commissioner to bring forward a report and recommendations to the Board that would address the democratic deficit that exists in our organization.
More2005-08-14 — SCOUT eh!
600 Members of SCOUT eh!
In our first year as an Association we have attained 600 members. The ranks of those who want to have a say over the direction of their organization continues to grow. This growth of SCOUT eh! demonstrates that democracy makes organizations successful.
More2005-08-05 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! First Anniversary
As is customary for many organizations, we must from time-to-time, sit back and analyze our progress as an association and try to evaluate whether we are hitting our mark as planned. Are we still relevant? Is there still a need? Have we fulfilled our mandate? Where can we improve? I suppose the first anniversary of SCOUT eh! is as good a time as any for this introspection.
More2005-06-29 — SCOUT eh!
Fundraising Ultimatums
The Cascadia Council Management Team passed a motion the week of June 13, 2005 that states: "Each registered person in Cascadia Council will be expected to sell $75 worth of popcorn in the 2005 popcorn campaign. If groups decide not to sell popcorn, Cascadia Council will invoice them for $30 per member with $5 of that amount going to National Council."
More2005-06-24 — SCOUT eh!
Time to respond to draft 7
Scouts Canada has released the seventh draft a new "strategic plan". There are some small indications that they are beginning to listen. You can read it for yourself in the documents they have released below. However, it is very important that Ordinary Members everywhere continue to press for real change to entrench accountability and democracy.
More2005-06-23 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! responds to Scouts Canada Q&A document
The Scouts Canada propaganda machine and spin doctors are hard at work. Here is the latest Q&A with our responses. It is important that our membership know how to deal with the issues as presented by our National Organization. The message in this Q&A is certainly at odds with the recent letter of our Chief Commissioner wherein he has stated that he recognizes what has been called the Democratic Deficit. In our recent meeting with the CEO we got the impression that the volunteer management recognized that this issue had to be addressed and that board member Keith Martin was tasked with preparing a report. With this double message the membership may rightfully be sceptical whether there is any real commitment to moving toward a democratic Scouts Canada.
More2005-06-09 — SCOUT eh!
Beyond the Crossroads
In February, SCOUT eh! published "Crossroads", a report about Scouts Canada's financial status. The author of that report, SCOUT eh! member and accountant Joseph Grittani, has completed "Beyond the Crossroads", an updated report including the second quarter results. The report highlights that the actual results do not bear out Scouts Canada's optimistic projections.
More2005-06-08 — SCOUT eh!
Camp Sheldrick Saved
Camp Sheldrick near Winchester, Ontario has been removed from Scouts Canada's chopping block. After they visited the camp, Scouts Canada officials realized that the camp an important facility for Scouting in Upper St. Lawrence Valley Area.
More2005-05-22 — SCOUT eh!
550 Members of SCOUT eh!
The continuing growth of SCOUT eh! demonstrates that democracy makes organizations successful. We've going from zero to 550 Members in less then ten months.
More2005-05-11 — SCOUT eh!
Scouts Canada Acknowledges "democratic deficit"
Scouts Canada's Chief Commissioner has provided an update on the Board's Strategic Planning process. Of particular note, Mike Scott makes a commitment "to solving what has been referred to as a 'democratic deficit'". We await with anticipation to see if this is a real commitment to give the membership the vote.
More2005-05-06 — SCOUT eh!
Discretion, Reason, and Justice with PRCs
Read about how flaws in Scouts Canada's policy on Police Record Checks (PRCs) may leave young people potentially vulnerable while excluding desirable volunteers from membership.
More2005-03-30 — Ayr News
Scouts Canada Can't Sell Peacehaven Scout Camp… They Don't Own It!
Peacehaven Scout Camp east of Drumbo, which was designated to be sold by Scouts Canada nearly a year ago will remain open. The main reason is Scouts Canada doesn't own the property and therefore cannot sell it.
More2005-03-22 — SCOUT eh!
500 Members of SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! membership has surpassed 500 Members. These 504 Scouters are all registered members of Scouts Canada who want democracy. They want the vote. In addition, there are 27 Associate Members (former Scouts Canada members) and 13 Friends (other supporters) for a total of 544. Membership continues to grow.
More2005-03-21 — SCOUT eh!
Finances on the Brink: Scouts Canada Responds
Shortly after Scouter Joseph Grittani's report about Scouts Canada's finances was published, Scouts Canada's Vice-President for Finance sent a memo about it to Councils. You can read the memo and the response by SCOUT eh! Treasurer Ted Claxton.
More2005-02-22 — SCOUT eh!
Celebrate BP's 148th Birthday
Lord Robert Baden-Powell was born on Sunday, February 22, 1857 in England. In 1907, BP lead the first Scout Camp on Brownsea Island starting a Movement that has spread to the entire world. Since then, over half a billion people have been Scouts or Guides. BP's wisdom continues to provide the foundation for the Scout Movement. Take some time this week to read what BP wrote, thus honouring his enormous contribution to the world. Here is BP's last message to Scouters.
More2005-02-18 —
Scouts Canada Act in the Senate
Without a mandate from the membership, Scouts Canada is quietly working to have the Parliament of Canada pass a new Scouts Canada Act to replace the current acts that incorporate Scouts Canada. The new act will entrench the current undemocratic system.
More2005-02-17 — SCOUT eh!
Finances on the Brink
Scouts Canada went $1.8 million in debt in one year. They have also spent the Jamboree fund on operating expenses. Scouts Canada's finances are on the brink. Read to find out what they have down with your money.
More2005-02-14 — SCOUT eh!
Democracy for the Dogs
Dog breeders who are members of the Canadian Kennel Club get to elect the board of their organization. Why are members of Scouts Canada shut out of the decision-making process?
More2005-02-04 — SCOUT eh!
A Small Victory for the Volunteers at Camp Peacehaven
A For Sale sign went up at Peacehaven Scout Camp but was quickly removed by the real estate agent when it was pointed out that Scouts Canada doesn't have the authority to sell the land.
More2005-01-31 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! has 450 Members
SCOUT eh! now has a membership of 450 Members, all of whom are registered members of Scouts Canada. In addition, there are 23 Associate Members (former Scouts Canada members) and 13 Friends (other supporters) for a total of 486. Membership continues to grow.
More2005-01-22 — SCOUT eh!
Respond to the Scouts Canada Draft Strategic Plan
Scouts Canada is working on a new "strategic plan". After six drafts, they are asking for the input of the membership. Sort of. The cover letter that accompanies the current draft indicates that it is supposed to be sent to each group. Few, if any, groups have actually received it and the deadline for comments is February 15, 2005.
More2005-01-21 — SCOUT eh!
Why & How to Make Scouts Canada Democratic
At the Scouts Canada AGM in November, 2004, Chief Commissioner Mike Scott invited SCOUT eh! to write a proposal about how to make Scouts Canada democratic. The result is this report. The report has been distributed to the members of Scouts Canada's Board of Governors.
More2004-12-15 — SCOUT eh!
Over 400 Members of SCOUT eh!
402 registered Scouts Canada members are now members of SCOUT eh!. In addition, there are 19 Associate Members (former Scouts Canada members) and 12 Friends (other supporters) for a total of 433. Membership continues to grow.
More2004-11-30 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! addresses Scouts Canada about Democracy
Scouter Ted Claxton, Treasurer of SCOUT eh! addressed the Scouts Canada Annual General Meeting on Saturday, November 27, 2004. Nearly 50 SCOUT eh! members from British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland were in attendance.
More2004-11-22 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! to Speak at Scouts Canada AGM
Ted Claxton, Treasurer of SCOUT eh!, will give a ten-minute address to the Scouts Canada Annual General Meeting on the topic of Democracy in Scouting. The Chief Commissioner of Scouts Canada, Mike Scott, invited Scouter Ted to speak at the AGM which will be held this Saturday, November 27, 2004.
More2004-11-18 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! has 350 Members
SCOUT eh! registered its three-hundred-fiftieth member today. More than one out of every 50 of Scouts Canada's adult members are now members of SCOUT eh! and membership is growing daily.
More2004-11-16 — SCOUT eh!
InfoSpot: Scouting is not a Business
Scouts Canada has taken to treating Scouting like a business, but this approach is wrong for a voluntary Movement.
More2004-11-11 — St. Thomas Times-Journal
Reprieve for Camp Timken
Local Scouting groups continue to contest ownership. Dismissed earlier this year as a property that had very little of special significance, Camp Timken has been given the thumbs up from a Scouts Canada property review committee…. Regardless of yesterday's outcome, Elgin Scout leaders have retained the services of St. Thomas lawyer Mark Shields, whom Palmer indicated is moving forward to file papers to contest the ownership of Camp Timken in court.
More2004-11-02 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! Officers Elected
SCOUT eh! is a democratic organization. The SCOUT eh! Election Commission has announced the results of the election for the Officers of SCOUT eh!. These elected officers represent the first democratic governance for a national association of Scouting members in Canada.
More2004-11-01 — SCOUT eh!
InfoSpot: Scout Movement or Just an Organization?
Baden-Powell said "First I had an idea. Then I saw an ideal. Now we have a Movement, and if some of you don't watch out we shall end up with just an organization".
More2004-10-25 — SCOUT eh!
InfoSpot: Stemming Membership Decline
The Scouts Canada annual reports show that between 2002 and 2003 the number of registered adults made a precipitous drop from 40,000 to 30,000, a 25% drop. The overall membership decline was from 160,000 to 133,000, a 17.5% drop.
More2004-10-22 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! Constitution Ratified
The SCOUT eh! Constitution was ratified today following a vote of the membership. Two independent Election Commissioners collected votes from members across the country. Votes were cast by email or post. The Approval of the constitution is an example of geographical separation is not an impediment to democracy. If SCOUT eh! can do it, so can Scouts Canada.
More2004-10-21 — St. Thomas Times-Journal
Camp ownership will be tested
Scouts Canada in row with local volunteers. Following a town hall meeting earlier this week, Elgin Scout leaders are prepared to "go forward" in their efforts to determine the legal ownership of Camp Timken.
More2004-10-20 — Almaguin News
Hearing on Scout Camp is tomorrow?
BURK'S FALLS: A tentative date of tomorrow is being floated by Scouts Canada to hear an appeal of its decision to sell off the Green Bay Scout Camp on Lake Cecebe - only the no local Scout members have heard of it.
More2004-10-18 — St. Thomas Times-Journal
Fight on for Camp Timken
Scouts Canada 'bargaining in bad faith;' public meeting tonight. Frustrated by a series of missed deadlines and the impression Scouts Canada is bargaining in bad faith, Elgin Scout leaders have begun to mobilize in their fight to block the sale of Camp Timken.
More2004-10-16 — SCOUT eh!
InfoSpot: Scouts Canada's Governance
When was the last time you voted in Scouts Canada? View this video about voting and read the backgrounder about how Scouts Canada is governed and how it cuts you out of the process.
More2004-10-12 — SCOUT eh!
InfoSpot: Scout Camp Sales
Scouts Canada wants to sell a truckload of Scout camps in Ontario. Your local camp could be next. View this 17-second video and read the backgrounder.
More2004-10-12 — SCOUT eh!
What is Community Development?
Learn the basics of Community Development, the process for improving the community through collective action, such as by saving a Scout camp.
More2004-10-10 — SCOUT eh!
Who's in charge of Scouts Canada?
The staff are in control of Scouts Canada. Read about how the structure works (or doesn't).
More2004-10-05 — SCOUT eh!
SCOUT eh! Crest Available
The SCOUT eh! crest is now available! Crests are $5. Proceeds support SCOUT eh!.
More2004-10-04 — SCOUT eh!
Camp Appeal Process: A Moving Target
The following are excerpts from a recent Appeal meeting held between a local Camp management team and two representatives (Directors) of Scouts Canada's Provincial Body/Property Review Committee. It's not clear what they're trying to say.
More2004-09-23 — St. Thomas Times-Journal
Scouts have plan
Elgin Scout leaders have formulated a five-year program plan designed to justify the continued operation of Camp Timken, currently under threat of closure by a Scouts Canada property review committee. The plan hinges on increasing local membership after several years of dramatic decline, explains a former area commissioner.
More2004-09-15 — Almaguin News
Letter: Leave our Camp Alone
Last week Mike Scott, Scouts Canada's Chief Commissioner, wrote to explain why Scouts Canada is selling off some of their camps. As a parent of a Scout I also feel it is important to "clear the air" on this topic.
More2004-09-14 — SCOUT eh!
Speaking Points Refuted
Scouts Canada has released a memo with speaking points on the restructuring and camp sales. Here is the text of Scouts Canada's memo and our response.
More2004-09-11 — London Free Press
Scout leaders clash over future of camp
Elgin Scout leaders are becoming increasingly frustrated with the "sham" process they face in an effort to overturn a Scouts Canada property review committee decision to close Camp Timken. Barely able to contain her anger, Karen Palmer, one of five local leaders working on a business plan to justify Camp Timken's continued operation, compares the exercise to "being led down the garden path."
More2004-09-10 — St. Thomas Times-Journal
It's a 'sham'
Elgin Scout leaders are becoming increasingly frustrated with the "sham" process they face in an effort to overturn a Scouts Canada property review committee decision to close Camp Timken.
More2004-09-08 — St. Thomas Times-Journal
Mere exercise in damage control
I have had the opportunity to read the letter by Mike Scott, commissioner of Scouts Canada. (Sept. 4, Times-Journal: "Scouts Canada commissioner wants to clear the air") His editorial comment is a mere exercise in damage control and spin doctoring.
More2004-09-08 — Almaguin News
Which Is It Scouts Canada?
Chief Commissioner Mike Scott explains Scouts Canada's position in the Almaguin News and is responded to by a columnist in the same paper.
More2004-08-30 — St. Thomas Times-Journal
St. Thomas Scouts are taking to the street "for the kids' sake."
Members of the 20th St. Thomas Venturers hit Talbot Street Saturday, blitzing merchants in an effort to draw attention to the pending sale of Camp Timken, a 65-acre (26.3 hectare) campground located near Iona that has served Elgin Scouts for nearly 30 years.
More2004-08-28 — St. Thomas Times-Journal
An update on the fight to keep Camp Timken in Elgin
Referring to the outcome of a Scouts Canada appeal hearing Thursday as "marginally positive", Elgin Scouters have until Sept. 30 to formulate a five-year program plan to justify Camp Timken's continued operation.
More2004-08-18 — Almaguin News
Scouts: Green Bay not seen as being accessible
Lack of accessibility is one of the driving forces behind Scouts Canada's decision to sell off 1st Burk's Falls Scout Troop's 47 acre wilderness camp on Lake Cecebe.
More2004-08-16 — St. Thomas Times-Journal
Fighting for Camp Timken
Insisting Camp Timken has never been a financial burden on Scouts Canada, local leaders will appeal last month's decision by the parent organization to sell the property that has served Elgin Scouts for nearly 30 years.
More2004-08-12 — Toronto Star
20 Scout camps may close
Faced with falling membership and rising competition for the interest of children and teens, Scouts Canada has decided to sell 20 of its 260 properties in Ontario.
More2004-08-12 — Sarnia Observer
Scout camp on chopping block
Scouts Canada's decision to put Camp Chester near here on a list of 20 properties to be sold will be appealed by the local camp committee. To deal with declining enrolment and growing costs, Scouts Canada recently reviewed all of the 260 or so properties it owns in Ontario, including 150-acre Camp Chester on Marthaville Road in Enniskillen Township.
More2004-08-11 — The Globe and Mail
Falling interest prompts Scouts to close camps
Scouts Canada plans to put 20 of its Ontario campgrounds on the chopping block after dwindling membership and declining revenues have forced the venerable youth organization to streamline its operations.
More2004-08-11 — Almaguin News
Official letter of appeal filed on Scout camp sale
An official letter of appeal has been sent to Scouts Canada over the decision to sell off the 1st Burk's Falls Scout Troop Camp — Green Bay Camp — on Lake Cecebe.
More2004-08-11 — Vankleek Hill Review
Reprieve for Camp Apple Hill Scout Reserve
Apple Hill — Local Scouters now have until August 31 to appeal Scouts Canada's decision to sell Camp Apple Hill Scout Reserve. The original August 6 deadline has been extended and that's good news, says camp manager Wade Bates, who says that Scouters now will have time to put together a business plan.
More2004-08-09 — London Free Press
20 Scout camps on the block
Five local camps are on the sell-off list, but some scout leaders are fighting the plan.
More2004-08-06 — CBC Ottawa
Scout battles Scouts over camp sale
A 43-year-old Scout camp in Eastern Ontario is on the verge of disappearing, as the national organization tries to grapple with a diminishing roll call.
More2004-08-04 — Almaguin News
Green Bay Camp to be Sold
Scouts Canada has a fight on its hands as it tries to sell a 47-acre camp on Lake Cecebe that has been home to local Scouts for the past 57 years.
More2004-08-04 — Vankleek Hill Review
Apple Hill Scout Camp up for sale
Apple Hill — Local Scouting groups were not prepared for this. A July 21 letter from Scouts Canada informed Stormont and Glengarry Area Commissioner Dave Desmarais that Camp Apple Hill Scout Reserve would be sold; the news came after being told just two months ago that the camp was not on the endangered list.
More2004-04-09 — Tillsonburg News
Camp Jackson at risk
Local Scouters are concerned about the future of Camp Jackson, the local Scouting camp near Huntsville that has been used by Tillsonburg and area Scouts for the past 40 years.
More2004-03-30 — St. Thomas Times-Journal
Scouts Canada may sell off property
Describing the organization as "property rich" while the goal is to be "program rich," a Scouts Canada official has confirmed the future of Camp Timken is to be clarified this week.
More2004-03-29 — St. Thomas Times-Journal
Editorial: Corporate land grab
Less than a decade ago, the Scouting movement still played a significant role in the character and moral development of youngsters in every corner of the country. Today Scouts Canada is fighting for its existence a struggle more of philosophical ideals and corporate health than the relevance of Scouting in a changing societal environment.