Town Hall Meeting Called for Nova Scotia Council

A memorandum has been circulated by the National office concerning a Town Hall meeting soon to be convened. I am pleased to hear that there have been some positive discussions with Nova Scotia members. We can hope that the Town Hall meeting called for Sunday March 6 will result in something substantive being done to rectify the action taken to dismiss the Council Commissioner and his team. That action was, in essence, an attack upon the fundamental integrity of the Nova Scotia Council volunteers. We shall trust that any resolution resulting from the Town Hall meeting will be seen as just by the volunteers affected.

Scouter Ted Claxton
Chair, SCOUT eh!

Memorandum Concerning Nova Scotia Council

Subject: Scouts Canada Nova Scotia Council Town Hall meeting - Sunday, March 6, 2011

Steve Kent, Chief Commissioner and Chair of the Board of Governors, Janet Yale, Executive Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer and Dylan Reinhart, National Youth Commissioner are pleased to invite you to a Town Hall meeting on Sunday, March 6, at 1:30 pm.

Steve, Janet and Dylan will provide an update on plans for recruitment of all Nova Scotia Council positions through the Scouts Canada public appointments process, starting with recruitment for Council Commissioner, and followed by recruitment for all volunteer leadership positions. There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and answers.

This announcement follows positive discussions that have been held with some of those who expressed concerns about recent events in Nova Scotia Council and reflects our agreement on the appropriate path going forward, including holding a Town Hall meeting.

The Town Hall will be held at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, 1 Challenger Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia in the Main Auditorium.

We would encourage all registered Nova Scotia Scouters to attend, and look forward to your participation.

In the meantime, please feel free to contact Steve any time at

Yours in Scouting

Steve Kent, Janet Yale and Dylan Reinhart