Scouts Canada 2nd Quarter Financial Report Available

But the 2nd Quarter Financial Report will only be available to the select clique of Management Insiders. This is another blow to democracy, openness, and transparency in Scouts Canada. If it were a public business corporation it would have to disclose this information. By its lack of accountability to the membership SCOUTS INC shows that it is both unbusinesslike and unscouting like.

----- Original Message -----
From: Gary Boutilier
To: Ted Claxton
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:34 AM
Subject: Financial Information


Thank you for your e-mail requesting quarterly financial information on 
Scouts Canada.

Because the quarterly statements are unaudited and could be subject to 
change, it is the practice of Scouts Canada not to release them.  Please 
be assured that the final audited financial statements for 2005-06 will 
be contained in the Annual Report which will be released publicly at the 
Annual Meeting in November.

I appreciate your understanding.

Gary J Boutilier, BSc,CMA
Director, Finance
Phone (613) 224-5131 ext 231
Facsimile:  (613) 224-3571