Reprieve for Camp Apple Hill Scout Reserve — Vankleek Hill Review
By Louise Sproule
Vankleek Hill Review,
August 11, 2004.
Apple Hill — Local Scouters now have until August 31 to appeal Scouts Canada's decision to sell Camp Apple Hill Scout Reserve.
The original August 6 deadline has been extended and that's good news, says camp manager Wade Bates, who says that Scouters now will have time to put together a business plan.
"Things have slatted to move. We're on the right track," Bates said Friday. A preliminary plan already been submitted to Scouts Canada, notified Scouters July 21 that it 'intended to sell the 300?acre Scout camp. If the camp is not sold, Bates says a business plan would include construction of a new 30 x 40?foot building in summer of 2005, (the camp's previous building was lost to fire) installing a rope bridge in spring of 2005, clearing walking tails throughout the area in the fall of 2004 and adding a forest identification program once trails are completed (spring 2005), creating five tent platforms to be completed in August 2004 for tents, creating an archery/rifle (BB) range to be opened in late summer of 2004, cutting and milling some of the reserve's own cedar into lumber as part of the trail clearing program and increasing the usage of the camp through Scouting and other community groups.
Bates says that the camp can now be rented to other groups without having to restrict outside rentals to a maximum of 20 Pet cent of the camp's total usage, as was previously the case.
Scouters have until August 31 to appeal decision to sell base Nonprofit organizations, schools, church groups, of youth groups wishing to use Apple FM Scout Reserve are able to do so, once they have met Scouts Canada guidelines, Bates says. A $1.00 per day per person fee, or $2.00 per night per person camping fee will be charged.
Local Scouting groups are objecting strongly to the proposed closure of the camp, as it is the closest camp facility for them. Closing the Apple Hill camp would mean Scouters, in addition to longer travel time for greater travel costs. 'The closest camps are located in Perth and Laurentians (Quebec).
If you would like to show your support for local Scouting, or are interested in finding out more about Camp Apple Hill, call camp manager Wade Bates at 632-2711, ext. 209 (days), 678-3602 (evenings), or Gayle Neville at 527-2227 (evenings).