A letter to SCOUT eh! members regarding SC strategic priorities
Fellow members of Scouts Canada Ordinary-member Unity Taskforce Association
Our webmasters have worked overtime (one hour and 10 minutes this week) to ensure that the Strategic Plan information is available. Our SCOUT eh! Constitution declares that our objective is the betterment of Scouts Canada. Getting the priorities right is an important step. There is a list of Action Plan Priorities within each of the 7 Strategic Priorities. The 17 priorities that are referred to in the On-line survey are actually the 17 items numbered 1.1.1 to 7.1.2 on the document entitled List of Priority 1 Action Plans.
You will see that 7.1.1 is "Establish Council procedures to elect Voting Members to the Annual General Meeting" and 7.1.2 is "Establish a process to enable nomination to the Board of Governors by members at large."
We in SCOUT eh! believe that Governance should be the Number One priority. With proper governance there will be greater and more committed buy-in to the organization. Although it is item no.7 on the list of priorities established by the review there has been significant movement considering that previously it was not on the list at all. Poor governance leads to mismanagement. The Top Down structure introduced by By-law No.2 went in the wrong direction. This needs to be rectified. You can help make it happen by participating in this process.
Our Chief Commissioner has made it clear that he would like to see input from evey sector of Scouts Canada. It is clear that the input to Draft 6 had a significant effect on the overall tenor of Draft 7. I urge you to get behind this. It is your opportunity as an Ordinary Member to help shape the priorities. Because there is no democratic process in effect at this time we do not actually have a say but it appears that we might have some influence on the ordering of the priorities and the Actions that should be carried out to implement them.
Here is the link to the pertinent information. Pass this message along to other scouters you know. An opportunity like this is not likely to come along again any time soon.
Be Prepared, Be part of it.
Ted Claxton
Treasurer, SCOUT eh!