Scouting is not a Business
Scouts Canada has taken to treating Scouting like a business, but this approach is wrong for a voluntary Movement. Published: 2004-11-16.
MoreScout Movement or Just an Organization?
Baden-Powell said "First I had an idea. Then I saw an ideal. Now we have a Movement, and if some of you don't watch out we shall end up with just an organization". Published: 2004-11-01.
MoreStemming Membership Decline
The Scouts Canada annual reports show that between 2002 and 2003 the number of registered adults made a precipitous drop from 40,000 to 30,000, a 25% drop. The overall membership decline was from 160,000 to 133,000, a 17.5% drop. Published: 2004-10-25.
MoreScouts Canada's Governance
When was the last time you voted in Scouts Canada? View this video about voting and read the backgrounder about how Scouts Canada is governed and how it cuts you out of the process. Published: 2004-10-16.
MoreScout Camp Sales
Scouts Canada wants to sell a truckload of Scout camps in Ontario. Your local camp could be next. View this 17-second video and read the backgrounder. Published: 2004-10-12.