We're excited about Scouting Now!

Scouting Now is the name of a document recently published by Scouts Canada. From the content of this plan, it's apparent that our Chief Commissioner knows quality ideas when he sees them.

He has elevated a report prepared by an area commissioner for the Greater Toronto Council to a blueprint for the rebirth of Scouts Canada. Even though it doesn't directly address the issue of democracy, it holds up a real hope of organizational transformation and a return to the real values of Scouting as seen through a modern lens. We will talk more at length soon about what we see as valuable in this document, but we want to say for now that after the publication of this document and the apparent will to enact it, we hold real hope for the survival and growth of Scouts Canada.

We encourage all members of Scouts Canada to read the report, participate in the discussion at talkscouts.ca, and take action where you can. We have an opportunity to move into the future. Let's take it!